Rheinmetall E Msu 64a591626c8d1 65023eedc21d7

The all-electric Rheinmetall eMSU allows for carbon-free engine starts and reductions in overall ground operations emissions. It is powered by lithium-ion battery packs that ensure maximum running time and minimal energy loss. Compared to a standard diesel-driven air start unit, the Rheinmetall eMSU operates much more reliably in all weather conditions. It eliminates CO2 and NOx emissions that are harmful to both ground support staff and the environment, and cuts fuel consumption costs, for greener, safer and more cost-effective liftoffs. The eMSU requires very low maintenance and is designed to thrive in harsh conditions. The Rheinmetall eMSU meets the most stringent emission restrictions in force today, plus even stricter ones that are being planned.

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