Hydramotion Ltd.

North Yorkshire YO17 6YA


About Hydramotion Ltd.


1 York Rd. Industrial Park
North Yorkshire YO17 6YA
United Kingdom

More Info on Hydramotion Ltd.

Hydramotionltd 10017427

Hydramotion manufactures portable and process viscosity measurement instrumentation. 24-month product warranty. For technical support contact Nelson Systems at +44 (0)1653 600294 or [email protected]. Hours: U.S. Pacific time zone.

Products and Press Releases

M08 01 280 01 Viscolite Deicer 11654490
Deicing / Anti-icing Equipment & Services

Portable Viscometer

Aug. 20, 2014
It is easy to measure the viscosity of deicing fluid with the Viscolite portable viscometer from Hydramotion Ltd. — simply dip the probe into fluid and see the viscosity reading...
Viscolite Vl7 100b D15 11191822
Inspection & Testing

Viscosity Measurement

Oct. 15, 2013
Portable and online viscosity measurement instrumentation that is easy to operate and quick to clean, requiring no accessories or recalibration.
Viscolite 10027429
Deicing / Anti-icing Equipment & Services


Oct. 15, 2009
The battery-powered Hydramotion Viscolite® portable viscometer is designed for immediate on-the-spot viscosity measurement with no need for calibration. After the sensor is dipped...

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