Connect with Us at GSE Expo

Sept. 25, 2023
More than 2,500 industry professionals from around the world will be working together to advance our industry during the three-day event at the Las Vegas Convention Center.
Josh Smith - editor, Ground Support Worldwide
Josh Smith - editor, Ground Support Worldwide

The International GSE Expo show issue of Ground Support Worldwide is now online. In this issue you’ll find GSE and ground handling articles from around the globe, highlighting the ways our colleagues are striving to improve the industry.

Similarly, throughout the 95,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor exhibit space, you’ll find people dedicated to designing equipment and creating solutions for the biggest challenges in ground support. More than 200 companies are eager to showcase their latest innovations.

Our GSE Expo Preview in the August issue highlighted a small portion of the cutting-edge equipment you’ll find at the show. And since then, we’ve gathered additional information and conveniently curated it in our International GSE Expo Industry Event eGuide

If you’re reading this in anticipation of the International GSE Expo, reach out to set up a meeting with the Ground Support Worldwide team and share your thoughts about the greatest challenges and emerging solutions to overcome these hurdles. Our editorial team is looking forward to sharing the best success stories from the show across all media – print, podcast episodes, videos and more.

And if you’re reading this at the Las Vegas Convention Center, please stop by one of our booths 3016 (outdoors) and 558 (inside) to say hello and share your perspective on the direction our industry is headed. Join us in our outdoor booth as we recognize the winner of our inaugural Team of the Year award, highlight the findings of our latest ground support salary survey and more.

We hope you have a successful week and take advantage of networking opportunities. We cannot wait to collaborate with you to continue moving our industry forward.

Also, be sure to mark your calendars as the International GSE Expo will return to Las Vegas Sept. 16-18, 2025.

About the Author

Josh Smith | Editor