A Spotlight for Our Best Leaders

Nov. 14, 2023
Nominations are being accepted for the 2024 Leaders of the Year until Dec. 29.
Josh Smith, editor - Ground Support Worldwide
Josh Smith, editor - Ground Support Worldwide

A successful industry needs strong leadership. Over the course of nearly two decades, Ground Support Worldwide has strived to give the top ground support leaders a platform to share their insight and wisdom.

That mission continues as nominations for the 2024 Leaders of the Year have officially opened.

Ground Support Worldwide began its Leaders of the Year awards in 2005. At its inception, the award was a singular one – Ground Support Leader of the Year – created to spotlight an individual or company that had made a significant contribution to the industry. In 2008, Ground Support Leader of the Year was expanded into an awards program aimed at recognizing leaders across numerous aspects of our industry. During this award expansion, the Lifetime Achievement Award joined the line-up of annual recognitions.

These annual awards recognize people and companies making a positive impact in the ground support equipment and ground handling markets. We encourage you to nominate a deserving candidate for this year’s award before the Dec. 29 deadline.

All winners will be featured in the May 2024 issue of the magazine.

In case you’re unfamiliar with our annual award program, Ground Support Worldwide recognizes four winners.

The Product Leader of the Year highlights significant achievements in the GSE space. Ground Support Worldwide looks for experts who produce equipment designed to improve the turnaround process, make ground handling tasks more efficient and enhance the passenger experience with innovative engineering and creative solutions.

The Service Leader of the Year spotlights the companies who prop up the industry, often behind the scenes. Ground handling agents and other service providers, who dedicate themselves to ensuring the success of their customers are prime candidates for Ground Support Worldwide’s Service Leader recognition.

Ground Support Worldwide honors the top-tier managers with the Team Leader of the Year for motivating personnel and cultivating safety-focused work environments. Team Leaders are advocates for just culture, positive reinforcement and effective teaching methods aimed at improving the ground operations in both the commercial and general aviation spaces.

Ground Support Worldwide’s Lifetime Achievement Award is reserved for industry trailblazers and dedicated proponents of the ground support industry. For this prestigious honor, nominate stalwarts within the ground handling sector and GSE manufacturing market that have devoted themselves to improving how aircraft are serviced on the ramp .

Help us spotlight the best of the best in the industry. Visit AviationPros.com/53074821 for additional details about the award program or click here to access the nomination forms for these awards.

About the Author

Josh Smith | Editor