A Guarantee Worth Its Weight

April 18, 2023
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The path to better airport operations is rooted in investment across the world. Better technology, equipment, terminals, pavement, paint, parking, passenger amenities makes for a better air system overall.

The nation is taking steps to invest in infrastructure with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), but there’s still challenges. ACI-NA recently released a report cited a $36 billion increase in infrastructure investment needs in just the past two years.

The infrastructure demand will continue to increase, but there’s another problem arising in airport operations that could result in a crisis if we don’t address it now: Keeping airfield equipment in a state of good repair.

According to the recently completed Airport Business 2023 Airfield Equipment survey, airports of all sizes are having challenges procuring spare parts for their equipment. Between age of machinery and a realignment of some manufacturers in the industry, airport leaders are struggling to find spare parts for certain pieces of equipment.

Getting spare parts isn’t a new issue, but it’s a growing concern. The supply chain struggles for the nation post-COVID were rampant in early 2021, but many of those issues have been resolved. This new shortage is more systemic of a new landscape within the market.

You could look past the current struggles and note the push towards electrification on the airfield. Yes, the industry is moving in that direction, but our survey notes most airports are woefully unprepared for this leap and without both funding and local buy-in to commit to making this change by procuring equipment, training staff, investing in charging equipment, building electrification master planning and getting local utilities to commit to beefing up infrastructure to the airport, most of these airports have a long time coming before they can commit to the future.

The data shows airport leaders are adjusting to the change and they’re making shrewd moves to ensure equipment manufacturers can address these challenges when investing in new equipment. But making buying decisions today doesn’t solve all the problems tomorrow will bring, so it’s important the industry works together to find long-term solutions to ensure robust airfield operations for years to come. The full report will be made available to Airport Business subscribers in the coming weeks, so watch your inbox. 

About the Author

Joe Petrie | Editor & Chief

Joe Petrie is the Editorial Director for the Endeavor Aviation Group.

Joe has spent the past 15 years writing about the most cutting-edge topics related to transportation and policy in a variety of sectors with an emphasis on transportation issues for the past 10 years.

Contact: Joe Petrie

Editor & Chief | Airport Business

[email protected]


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